Monday, December 29, 2008

Winter continues

Part of our preparation for going anywhere in the car necessitates cleaning off the driveway so that ice won't form under compacted snow. The snow shovels (mine is ergonomically configured) go into the back of the van, so that if it has snowed while we are gone, we can clean it off again. The paper boy leaves the morning's papers in the mail box, and we have to trudge out to get them, rather than just open the front door to pick up the papers lying just outside the door. This is the first day since before Christmas that we have not had any snowfall. We've been told to prepare, though, for snow during the next 10 days. At least the snow storage in the mountains is adding up in a more satisfactory way. Living in a desert climate makes us very aware of the need for extra snow in the mountains during the winter months, so we're not supposed to grumble too much at daily snows during this time of the year.

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