Thursday, January 22, 2009

Name that bird

Our resident pheasant really deserves a name. He refused to pose for me, but the sun was hitting him just right so that you could see the red around his eye and the iridescent green of his head. When he comes to visit, he is intent on stuffing his craw as quickly as possible. No nonsense for this bird. Anyone care to give him a name?


John, Mandy and more said...

If you keep it up, Porky might become appropriate ;-)

Ann said...

What a gorgeous bird. Remember how sad our Dad would be when he would kill a pheasant with the hay mower? My biggest challenge with the pheasants was the times when I would be walking to the mailbox or through a field and one would fly up right in front of me. It would always take my breath away, and not because they were so beautiful - the surprise would stop me cold or make me run for home.