Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Nativity Wall Hanging

Louise and I found this book 4 or 5 years ago, when we were "browsing" through a quilt store. The nativity scene had been constructed and was hanging in the store, so we went on a hunt for the book - (by the way, it's called "Home Bound", and is designed by Janet Selck, copyright date of 2004. I proceeded to make four "I Spy" quilts for 4 grandsons, and wondered if I'd ever make the nativity scene. This was the year - and it didn't take too long to make. (You can tell by the stop border that looks a little less than perfect.) However, it fits the season just fine for me. Our stake is hosting a neighborhood nativity display this Friday and Saturday, and this will be there, along with many other nativity scenes.


Louise Blood said...

Excellent! Your fabric choices are perfect. I love it.

Judy said...

This is so cute! I love your characters. Keep on sewing!
Also your orchard picture does a great job of setting the stage for winter. Very nice!