Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Seth Sends Pictures from Nicaragua

When oldest son, Brig, went on his mission to England in June of 1976, it took six weeks for his first letter to reach us in Wyoming. Now, with the miracle of the internet and computers, Seth can send letters and pictures instantaneously. We use dearelder to write to him, and he gets his mail within a week. Sending a package is a different story - we are told it will take six weeks to two months to get a package through. This is a picture of Seth and his companion, and new converts.
Seth said that this is one of the better streets in the area he is in. People do not have street addresses. Mail is addressed to the green house on the corner, or a similar description. This very tropical climate is difficult to adjust to - Seth will spend a vastly different winter this year than he spent at Laramie last year.

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