After snowing light fluffy snow all night Thursday, the weather really got to work all day yesterday, leaving us with plenty to close out the month of February. This has been an extraordinarily long winter - the sundial above wears its cap of compacted snow with resignation. (The inscription under all that pile of snow is the old "Grow old along with me, The best is yet to be.")

I took the pictures in the blue-cast gloom of the early morning light. The only slight break we can see in the gray sky is the little glow to the west.

Even the yard light wears a little cap this morning. The house at the end of the cul-de-sac and across the street looks closer because I was loathe to put on my boots and get closer. Hurrah for telescopic lenses! Will the snow begin to melt? Did the groundhog see his shadow on Feb. 2nd? Will BYU win the ball game today? (I just threw that in, because that's how we'll be spending the middle part of the day - watching the game and eating homemade chicken noodle soup and maybe even popping popcorn.)