Friday, February 18, 2011

Forecast the Weather!

This weather globe was a gift from friends who purchased it in Billings, Montana. They forgot to give it to us for Christmas, but found it a little while ago. Ron performed the trick of filling it, following directions carefully. Now, we can tell when the weather is about to change. Lots of fun to look every day and watch the green water go up and down in the tube. When we had the bad wind and snowstorm on Tuesday afternoon and evening, the water was pushed clear up to the little fat bulb on the top of the tubing. Today? Cloudy overhead, and rising. (Remember, Mark Twain said something about people talking about the weather, but never doing anything about it.) We just watch - always a topic of conversation. Who would think that we would get so much fun out of a little object.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Laura has a couple of these in her classroom. Her students take great delight in watching them and "predicting" the weather. It's fun to have different things to help us guess what the weather will be.