Saturday, May 21, 2011

Finally Spring?

At last we have tulips - and daffodils, and grape hyacinths, and plants growing in the flower beds. This has been an unbelievably cold, rainy spring. It reminds us of our western Washington springs, when a sunny sky is a special gift. We had such a gift this morning. I managed to plant the potatoes (late), peas (late), radishes, (also late), and other things such as lettuce, beets, and carrots. Sprinkle around a few marigold seeds, and the other warm weather crops will have to wait. We luxuriated in some blue sky and sunshine this morning, but all was gone by a little after noon, and it's again raining. Maybe there will be a day next week to sneak in the tomato and melon plants, the cucumber, squash and bean seeds. I guess if we were really desperate, we'd go out and plant in the sog and mud, but that does nothing for me right now.


Dwight said...

very nice, Liz.

Ann said...

The tulips were worth waiting for. May the sun shine continue to find its way to Preston.

Judy said...

That is a gorgeous color! Just pray over your field, it will grow.