Friday, January 20, 2012

What to do on a Dreary Winter Day?

The tools for hand quilting are very simple - thread, needles, thumb and finger thimbles, and a rubbery gripper to pull a recalcitrant needle through. I actually began appliqueing these sunbonnet girls in 1995. I finally pieced them together into a quilt top during the years we were going to Arizona for the winter. A trip to Utah Quilt Fest in 1996 with Louise and Cheryl resulted in purchasing this small rectangular quilting frame, and I completed about half the quilt during the winters in AZ. Then the quilt got put away. This is the year that I promised myself I would finish up old UFOs. That will take some doing, since I think there are probably at least six in an unfinished stage, with another 5 or so that just aren't quilted. Hand quilting goes slowly for me - perhaps because I don't do enough of it. I have one quilt that I made in Tumwater that took me 2 1/2 years to quilt. It was on a frame that could be put at a horizontal position, so that you could show the part of the quilt you were working on, but the actual frame takes up very little room. Thank goodness for professional quilters who get most of my quilting jobs so that I can go on beyond the present. Sometimes, if the quilt is not too large, I will machine quilt it myself. Any time that a quilt gets finished, bound and labeled, it is a Hallelujah moment! How long will it take me to finish this one? I'd rather not say.

1 comment:

Judy said...

I love this quilt. Seeing yours, inspires me to try.