Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Different Geranium

This cranesbill geranium plant is a marvel - I ordered six plants four years ago, and put them in various places around the yard.  This one grew and flourished, two others died, and the rest just fiddled along.  I transplanted the survivors this spring and hope they will thrive like this one, but don't have my hopes up too high.  This plant grows where it gets the warm morning sun, so the leaves curl up some by noon, but the afternoon shade revives it, and it looks lovely again.  The blooms will keep coming all summer. Love plants like this that just keep giving, even in adverse conditions.


Judy said...

This plant is definitely a keeper. I didn't know there were so many varieties of perennial geraniums. Very pretty color.

Dwight said...

Looks like a pink petunia