Thursday, February 12, 2009

The animals are just beginning to dance.

Here they are, Judy, as per your request. The little animals are complete, and now are ready to be placed on each block, fused, sewn down, and the auxiliary blocks and borders sewn, and I'll be ready for the April birth - for Blake's little baby brother. These little animals were so much fun to make; they began coming alive when a few little embroidery touches were added, and will look even better when they're stitched to the background. The designer gets my vote for "cute".
Be sure to enlarge each of the sets of animals. Oh, yes, and the hen seems to be floating, because her dancing legs and feet have to be embroidered after she is on the block.


Ann said...

Ok, it looks like I need to make some animals. What pattern are you using? The cow is a charmer. This looks like another fun project.

Elizabeth said...

There is a book, but I'd have to climb the stairs to get it's name - maybe later? Lazy Sunday, you know. ;-)

Julia said...

These little animals are great! You do such nice work...