Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Belated Happy Birthday to Suzanne

Last summer - Blake was enjoying this ride.
Blake, Jonathan, and Suzanne - What a handsome family!
I tried not to get these pictures backwards, but after three trys, I give up - These were taken outside the Portland, Oregon temple on Suzanne's and Jonathan's wedding day. His brothers are the teasing men on the right, Marilyn and two other attendants on the left.
This was a very happy day, and the beginning of a wonderful new family.
Suzanne was an avid sports fan, but she also played a mean game of softball, as well as excelling in basketball. She is not very tall, but she could really shoot the basketball.
May this coming year be a wonderful one for you and your family - we're anticipating the addition of a brother for Blake in April, and are excited for you!

1 comment:

Julia said...

I love all these pictures of Suzanne! It's like a "life" in snapshots. I can't wait for the next pictures of that new little one wrapped up in dancing animals!!