Friday, August 21, 2009

Square Foot Garden Run Amok

There are three (3) square foot gardens under all this foliage. The pole bean (like a Maypole) pyramid in the middle of the top picture is not in a box. Things I've learned: Do not plant bush the following in the little square foot sections: (1) bush scalloped squash (sometimes known as pattipan), (2) cucumbers (they want to run all over, as do the (3) eggplant. Tomatoes planted in a corner do okay, because they sort of hang over the edges. Swiss chard grows great big. Peas do their thing, give lots of food, and then expire. Lettuce turns to seed by the end of July-put the plants in the compost. Carrots do well, as do beets. All in all, it's nice to be eating green beans and carrots for lunch.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Ah, the fun of an experiment. Just think, now you can plan for next year, knowing what works and what doesn't. I'm sure you needed something to occupy your winter quiet times! Everything looks wonderfully green.