Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Allure of a One-block Wonder Quilt - and other important Items

I'm not as faithful as brother Dwight in checking who visits my blog site - and I've been pretty dilatory the last few weeks in keeping things up. However, it was interesting this morning to do a Google search on one-block wonder quilts, and find that my Crystal Prisms blog has moved up to the second page. And, it is of great family interest to note that our granddaughter, Brittany, gave birth to a baby girl on the morning of the 5th of March. A 8 lb, 5 oz. girl with the name of Rylee Bo. Sonja and Bethany have gone to Bend to help. This makes our 5th great-grandchild. Are we moving along the path of life a little faster than we really like? The world does go on, and it seems to go faster and faster these days.


Ann said...

Congratulations on all accounts.

Judy said...

Yes, indeed.