Friday, March 16, 2012

It's the Shamrock!

I did not take time to color correct these pictures - the backgrounds are mostly white, but everything looks pink. Sorry about that. As I've written before, my local quilt guild (The Preston Piecers) have a block drawing each month. We're working on seasonal blocks this year, and if you commit to this group, everyone makes a specific block in colors of choice, and bring the signed block to the monthly meeting. Then a name is drawn from the group, and that person gets all of the blocks. There are about 17 participating, so you should end up with 17 blocks - eventually. I received the shamrock blocks this month, and haven't the slightest idea what to do with them. You can all help me by making constructive suggestions. (Non-constructive not appreciated.) Again, imagine most of the backgrounds as white, except for one that is yellow. And one that is green.........If I were Irish, this would be more appropriate, right?

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