Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spring Flowers - At Last!

The daffydowndillies have come into town, in their yellow petticoat and white  gown....Remember the old nursery rhyme?  At last we have some spring, and the tulips are either blooming or beginning.  To my sorrow, though, tulips that I planted 16 years ago are getting smaller and smaller - does that mean I need to dig up and replant this fall?  Does sound like a lot of work, doesn't it?  The glories of spring overcome the labors of fall, right?  Except 16 years ago, it was much easier to get up and down.  It takes me ever so much longer to get things done, so it's just as well gardens have shrunk through time. Perennials are beginning to take over where annuals had to be planted.   Life is a trade-off - we gain knowledge and experience, but trade it for less mobility.  Perhaps that's because there is so much time spent sitting while absorbing that knowledge and forgetting about fostering the mobility?


Judy said...

Look what you have done with your blog! Very classy....True what you said about the tuplips, etc.

Judy said...

I think that is supposed to be tulips????

Elizabeth said...

The peach iare tulips, the yellow daffodils.

Ann said...

Pretty flowers - hope for more sun shiny days ahead.