Friday, August 3, 2012

To Bee or not to Bee

Honey bees love morning glories.  Last year I planted some morning glories in a couple of strategic places (a pot or two, by the rain spout, etc.) and this year, I find myself pulling all sorts of little volunteers in the cracks in the concrete.  However, some did come back up in the proper places.  Enlarge the pictures above.  I waited patiently for a shot of the bee, and in the top, you see what they mostly do - scoot into the middle of the flower, scattering pollen all over the place.  In the bottom picture, you can see the actual bee - he sat there for just a nano-second.  Bees work hard and all the time for their food.  They're programmed to do that, unlike the human race.  I have a tendency to pick and choose what I will accomplish for the day, and there are often carryovers into the next day.  Progress being defined in my world as taking steps forward, still allows me to pause to enjoy certain aspects of life, and yet remain facing in the right direction to my goal.  It just takes a little longer.  (No backsliding, please.)


Judy said...

Don't pull up any more strays! These are lovely and the bees NEED them.

Ann said...

The color on these posies is stunning. And happy bees must be a good sign.