Thursday, July 26, 2012

Very Unexpected Visitors from the Northwest

It was a shock to have Judy call Saturday afternoon, to say that she was at Stokes' Marketplace (the only grocery store in town).  We enjoyed this impromptu visit (how can a visit be impromptu when it is 836 miles to Olympia?).  Short visits require fast talk and no time wasted.  It was so much fun to be able to sit down and visit.  The wonderful thing about family is that, no matter the time lapse in seeing each other, the bond exists and threads are quickly picked up.  I think that Judy and Bob scattered sunshine all the way down to Provo, with important stops along the way.

1 comment:

Ann said...

And how we all wish we could have kept them much longer. It was such a treat to get to spend a little time with them. Surprises are a good thing.