Thursday, September 13, 2012

Five Days After the Fact

I could never equal Judy, but let it be said that I keel over more carefully than she does.  Falling flat on one's face while wearing glasses that are so tough they survive protects part of your face.  Ron says that this picture doesn't do my nose justice, but you know how it is with the camera on the computer - Sorry I can't look for dramatic.  I do think there is a difference between falling on carpeting and falling in the kitchen, right, Judy?  Still makes me wince to think about Judy's fall and the resulting trauma to her!  We won't do that anymore, right?  Today, it's onward and upward.


Ann said...

You look gorgeous. Battle wounds always make for a more authentic look! I am so glad you are on the mend. The flowers are beautiful - they do make life just a little brighter, even on no-good days. Love you, Ann

Judy said...

Don't try that again! I am so sorry that you hit your face. You said Ron heard the "thud" as you landed. Is there a way to do it gracefully?
Just keep getting stronger. Yes, we do love you.

Elizabeth said...

You tell me if one can do such an unconscious thing gracefully? Probably not!

Ann said...

PS Love the hair style!