Monday, July 13, 2015

Summer Posies are Blooming

 This rose is my "King's Special" - a barefoot rose that was in a bin by the checkout counter at our local variety store.  I bought it around 18 years ago, and every year, it faithfully bears beautiful roses that even stand up to the pressure of the water sprinklers.
The first tree lily that grows in front of the porch is in bloom.  It stands around seven feet tall, and the fragrance is wonderful!

 And this hanging basket with vining geraniums is one that I wintered over in the garage by a south window.  It is just beginning to hit its stride in blooming - nice dividends to the small amount of watering it took through the winter.
And, be sure to enlarge this picture of the lilies in bloom - the reflections in the bay window behind it are rather interesting.

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