Thursday, August 6, 2015

I Get to Quilt at Heritage Days at the Academy in Preston

Saturday was Heritage Day at the Academy.  Crafters worked in the main room on the first floor.   The temperature was around 94 degrees outside, but we were perfectly comfortable in this old stone building with very thick walls.  In the room where I worked, there was a butter churner, a rope maker, a bobbin lace maker, a weaver, and an opportunity for little girls to make pioneer dolls, and for children to braid strips of fabric into bracelets, belts, etc.
People could watch a narrated slide show about the building, and there was an amazing amount of scrap books, pamphlets, and books about the area and the Academy.
There is still a need for contributions to finish this wonderful old building.  The things that have been done to it since it was moved to this place are wonderful, but there is much that needs to be done to finish the inside.

1 comment:

Ann said...

How fun. Where is your pioneer bonnet?