Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas Decorations Bring Christmas Memories

In 19978, I did a table at a Christmas craft botique in Powell, and one of the items that sold well were these little Santas (or Santa's elves, whichever you like.)  These are the only four I have left, but they come out every year to keep the winter teddy bear company as she sits in her miniature wood-turned chair.
 The lighted glass block with the silhouette of the Three Wise Men was made by Brittany many years ago when the family lived in Lewisville.  It comes out every year and reminds us of her.  The bowl full of glass balls reminds us of a patient of Ron's in Tumwater, who was a glass blower.  He invited us to his house - he had a glory hole in his garage, and we learned how to make glass balls.  Ours were pretty small, but we purchased some of the other beautiful things that he had.  Nice Memories.
And, last of all for today's memories, are the scroll-saw Christmas cut-outs that Dad made when he had his shop on 93rd south of Tumwater.  They go up every year in the sidelights in the front door.  Without memories, these Christmas decorations are special, but the memories make for a nice remembrance of past Christmases.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Hi Elizabeth! I never considered that you might have made a post with this date. I'm sorry I missed it then, but I still love the is always good.