Wednesday, January 4, 2017

And the Snow Continued On

 We woke up to snow this morning, and, although our driveway had been cleared, it and the sidewalk were once again filled in.  This little statue of a little boy holding a frog is shivering in the cold and snow, with a cap of snow.  We are grateful to be inside, and to have neighbors who are so willing to help us.  Offers to go to the store for us were included.  By tonight, the clearing has happened three times, and it still fills in.  Estimation by those who've lived here forever is about 16-18" here.  Wonder how the mountains are faring?
 The apple tree, which had so many apples last fall, and became the resting place of many migrating birds as they stopped and ate, as do the deer from Creamery Hollow. now wears snow, and looks like a Japanese etching - as does the garden shed below.  The little sun face has hands that are holding a pyramid of snow.
 Fortunately, we can stay inside and keep warm.  This was taken this morning - the table is much higher with snow tonight.
 And, in the midst of this, my $2.25 amaryllis that my neighbor planted for me is happily growing, and will certainly give us a flower or two.
And, with all of this, Happy New Year to all!

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