Sunday, May 17, 2009

Your Blog Means So Much to Me!

I got my picture next to my name, but that is all I have ever done on a blog. I hope this works. Elizabeth, thank you for all you do in keeping this up. Your pictures on the opening page are always my screen saver for that season, and I get so many compliments. What photographer took that?...where in the world is that beautiful orchard?... I am so proud to say, Oh that's my folks backyard, Elizabeth just snaps pictures every few days. Isn't it beautiful! That is my 1st of many things I am grateful to you for. If this message posts, I will move on to pictures and then let you all into my life. Scary, but it's only fair. The family that knows how to do this has shared a lot and I am happy to know what is going on. I don't think I will ever have a blog of my own so this is my chance. Again, thank you for doing this blog and the gentle kick in the rear. Love you, Jen


Elizabeth said...

Thank you, Jenny! You are so kind - it means a lot to me! Kemp called here (we are in Burlington at Sonja's house), to tell me to look on the blog because there is something very nice there.

jennywren said...

No, no...Thank you! It's great to hear it kind of took the long way around to get to you. I realize that's what this is for, family and knowing things that are going on. It make you feel closer as a family.