These miniature pumpkins were impossible to resist attempting to grow. (See the blossom above). The interesting thing is that they are growing on two upright plants, but there is also one sprawling vining plant that is forming these little fruits also. I don't suppose there is a pumpkin pie in one of these tiny marvels, but they will make great table decorations. Good thing there is other food in the garden!
This is the pole bean tower. The teepee of willow branches is completely covered, and the beans are really producing! Ah, success on one front.
Ron's hanging tomatoes are putting forth a few tomatoes, but we've been plagued with a wilt that has been difficult to overcome. Nevertheless, we've eaten a few tomatoes, and there will be more.
But, this is the triumph! We planted three plants, and they've taken over one whole section of the garden. Ron counts them every morning - the count is up to 13 - and there could be more well hidden. Some are beginning to thump beautifully - Almost ready! The little neighborhood kids haunt Ron because they are so fascinated with such a thing, and he's promised them a share in the harvest. (There are only 6 children.)
great garden growing. Nice pictures to remember the efforts of this crazy summer.
That is so much fun! Dallin loves our little garden and the few vegetables that we get from it. Wish I had your green thumb!
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