Monday, December 6, 2010

Another Group of Creches

The interpretation of the scene for the birth of the baby Jesus is widely varied. This one was painted on white-washed wood, and is lovely in its simplicity. I thought that this set was made of clay, but when I enlarge it, the texture looks like some kind of felt fabric. This Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus was enclosed in a large evergreen wreath. As you can see, the lighting did not help with the photography. This charming home-made set fits in nicely with the counted cross-stitch sampler. These figures were hand-crafted by a friend of mine. She said that when her children saw them, they begged for a similar set, but she felt that "once is enough". Each figure was between six to eight inches tall, and the stitching on the hands and some of the details can't be seen in these pictures.

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