Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Winter Doesn't Wait for December 21st

Our little boy garden statue looks very cold, indeed. He is holding a frog that is covered up with snow. Not to worry - when spring comes, he will warm up again. Note the snow embedded in the brick wall - the wind did blow hard that way, but that's probably snowblower snow. This is a picture of the sundial last week - before more snow fell. It's too cold to go repeat the picture today. A neighbor from the Big Horn Basin were we Blood children grew up was complaining that it never snowed so much in Wyoming - I seem to recall a few snowstorms of mammoth proportions. Snowed all day today, but finally stopped, so Ron has gone out to blow the snow off one more time - the third today. Isn't winter fun?

1 comment:

Judy said...

Brrrr! Time for hibernation! Your top picture is one of your best. Stay warm....