Sunday, May 13, 2012

Posies for Mother's Day

It is so appropriate that my Mother's Day flowers have blue iris and pink tulips.  These came from Dorothy and Sara, and they are beautiful.  I always think of iris and lilacs when I think of my mother.  No matter how difficult it was, there were the blue-violet iris lining the path out to the shop, the corral, etc., and there were always a few seed packets of flowers for the garden.  She instilled a love of gardening and of flowers in her children (and Dad was a great appreciator and, later, a participant in the choosing of iris, gladiolus, and other flowers for the gardens and flower boxes.)  It teaches us to do those things that are necessary to brighten our day and our lives with beauty.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Very beautiful flowers for you and beautiful sentiments about your/our mother.