Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Summer Posies

 The pots are beginning to respond, and are looking better every day.  (A little Miracle Grow doesn't hurt.)  In this 90+ weather, I have to be constant about watering at least once a day.  I would love a drip system, but the pots are far apart  in the beds and on the porch.  I always have great decisions to make at the greenhouse in the spring to choose the plants that will look good in each pot (I only planted 12 this year.)  Sometimes I win, sometimes I flop.  This one is going to do well.  The white and purple pansy is a volunteer from last year.  Enlarge this one to enjoy the posies.
Gorgeous flaming red, with ruffled green leaves, and interesting buds that bend over with the weight, and then produce these feathery, fragile flowers.  Love the poppies.  One summer, long ago, some poppy seed got mixed in with the sugar beet seed, and as we thinned (with short handled hoes), we left some - maybe unintentionally.  But there were spots of red in the field where they grew to remind us of beauty in our lives.


Judy said...

Very pretty. Pots are a miniature garden all by themselves and I like yours.

Ann said...

The heat has been hard on planters this year. Yours look very pretty in spite of the weather. And no weeds!