Sunday, October 12, 2008

Denton is loving his mission!

Denton is having some great experiences on his mission. He is in the Lansing Michigan Mission. Currently he is in Greenville, MI. Saturday, October 4th, he and his companion were involved in the baptism of Robert and Ellesha Brown. This is a couple they have been teaching. Denton said that teaching them has been a wonderful experience. The Brown's have been very willing to do what it takes to become members of the Church. Here is a portion of Denton's testimony which he recently sent in an email: I'm so excited for General Conference! It's almost like Christmas for us. I want to leave you guys with my testimony. I do know that this church is true, and that Joseph Smith did see God the Father and Jesus Christ; it's so wonderful to know -- I'm starting to realize that more and more as I am out here. So many churches are lost and confused. People following behind them. It's sure a neat thing to know. I'm thankful for the witness that I have had, and the witness that I am.


Elizabeth said...

So glad to see these pictures and this news about Denton and his mission. Thanks for posting this.

John, Mandy and more said...

SO sweet! Sara and I kept saying, "isn't he only 12?!?" WOW! So is this what is meant by time flying? That is so awesome that he is growing spiritually a well. Thanks Sonja!