Saturday, October 18, 2008

October - Birthday Month and Halloween

I really missed the boat this month. We passed Sara's (Ernst's) birthday on the 12th - the REAL Columbus Day, and also Jennifer Consoliver Campbell's birthday on the 17th. Happy belated birthday to both of you! In the meantime, although Halloween isn't my favorite holiday (ask any former school teacher of little kids what all that sugar does to a whole week of school), I do like some of the decorations that go along with it. Grandkids used to come and play with the nesting witch, scarecrow, ghost, jack-o-lantern, and black cat, and put them back together. I painted those, as well as the jack-o-lanterns. The quilt is in progress. I had hoped to have it finished to be draped over the stair banister when the day came, but it's still got the binding clips on. Maybe I'll make it and maybe not. In the meantime, happy fall to all of you. It's my favorite time of the year - when the outdoor work is all done. We cleaned out the garden and yard yesterday and today, and all that's left to do is to plant the phlox when the plants come in the mail next week. Now, we can concentrate on the indoors. In the meantime, some unripened tomatoes sit on a shelf in the basement storage room to ripen in their own good time, the hubbard and spaghetti squash are stored in the far reaches of the storage room, the jars of fruit are on the shelf, so it must be about time to batten down the hatches and declare the growing season over!
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