Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hilda, the Dreadful Witch

For twenty years, Hilda has come out of her box and into the world to grace us with her presence. Her biggest claim to fame is her knobby knees, which are discreetly hiding in this photo. I made Hilda for our home, but she soon went to the dental office during the Halloween season. I have wonderful pictures of Suzanne holding her, but the album with all of those pictures seems to have disappeared, no doubt being used by The Borrowers (as in Mary Norton's books), but it should come to light sooner or later. Anyway, for someone who dislikes Halloween, (think costumes and too much candy), I really think some of the decorations are fun. We did not observe Halloween when I was a young 'un (think "the olden days"). Living in the country, as we did, where most farmers families had outdoor plumbing, Halloween could be a time of "tipping over the outdoor facilities" by mischievous older boys. Fortunately, our FHA-sponsored, concrete-based outhouse was safe from the vandals - too heavy, by far. The year I was in 8th grade, I got to stay in town with a friend and go trick-or-treating. She had a party, with stuff that was supposed to be scary, and then out into the dark night we went. I was not impressed - it all seemed spooky and stupid. However, my kids all wanted the experience, so during the years we lived in town, trick-or-treating, with the ensuing stomach aches from over-indigence was the order of the day. I was not good at helping with costumes. Some years, they were the cheapies from the dime store, and sometimes they were just old bed sheets with holes cut in them. Not wonderful at all! Now, we're glad to just stay home, and answer the occasional doorbell. It's always fun to see the cute little neighbor kids, who have already done their thing at the trunk or treat being held in the next cul-de-sac, but we don't appreciate older boys who come with their big bags, ready for loot, quite as much. And, I quit growing pumpkins in the garden to put on the front porch, because they inevitably got trashed or taken. Not worth the trouble. We can all breathe a sigh of relief when the 31st of October is all over, and we work into the most peaceful holiday of the winter - Thanksgiving!

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