Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Lauren - only one week late!

These pictures are not in any order, but they do tell a bit of the story! This was taken a couple of years ago at our house, when Lauren and Hayden decorated pumpkins for the front porch. When Hayden was born, Lauren felt that we were sure making a big fuss over him, but she proved to be a wonderful big sister and protector. Lauren developed a love for the cello - this was the "braces" era, a bane to every teenager who has to undergo such treatment.
When Lauren was smaller (when they lived in Tucson, AZ), Lauren collected Beanie Babies and Pound Puppies. This leopard was a favorite - This was Christmas time at Sara and Frank's house.
The backpack was crammed full of Pound Puppies. Once, when Sara, Frank, and Lauren were at our tiny place in Mesa, and were staying overnight, I found Lauren placing little Pound Puppies all over under the beds. When I asked her why she was doing that, she very wisely said that they were there to take care of the alligators!
This was Thanksgiving in Tucson. Lauren created turkey decorations for the table. Creativity should have been her middle name, because her artistic talents were obvious at a very early age! Her abilities have just kept increasing.
Lauren, when you were born, I got to come and stay with you and your mom and dad for a week. I slept in the same room with you, and you were absolutely the perfect baby. The first night I was there, I got up several times to make sure you were breathing! You slept through every night from about 10:30 until 9:00 the next morning. (You made up for that angelic behavior by fussing (crying? howling?) for a couple of hours before bedtime, with Mom and Dad taking turns holding and comforting you.) Later, as you were growing up, we began staying in Arizona through the winters, and so got to see you more often. There was always something new and different - when you were three, your favorite word was "actually" - every sentence seemed to be preceded with that word. As you grew, the words got bigger! Before you moved away to Indiana, we did get to spend one Grandparents' Day with you at school for your first grade year. There are other good memories - including the time in Indiana when we dyed Easter eggs, and then you and I ate hard boiled eggs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Now, you are growing up, have become even more accomplished in your art and schooling, and are in your upper years in high school. The years whiz by, and it won't be long before you'll be graduated and in college! It will be exciting to see the direction you decide on for your future. There is always another chapter.

1 comment:

Judy said...

How can I resist responding to a fellow celloite? Happy Birthday (late) and keep playing that cello!