Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream

This picture story is backward, because this should be the last picture, but who cares? Be sure to enlarge these shots! The job begins - Mia is totally absorbed.
While John instructs me on why the video capability in my camera makes the pictures look blue in the shade, Mandy, the Industrial Engineer, plans and executes a Pippi Longstocking hairdo for Mia. The main focus for her is extracting the ice cream from the interior of the cone.


Ann said...

What a charmer! And what a pretty mother. Your house probably feels very quiet without little people running around. I am so glad Mandy and John and the children were able to visit.

John, Mandy and more said...

I couldn't agree more, Ann! We were really delighted to visit; it needs to be a lot more often than every 6 years! We'll have to contemplate how a family reunion might work...