Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Seth's Turn for a Mission

The new missionary suit fits just right. This is the day that Seth entered the MTC in Provo - he will be studying the Spanish language for about 6 weeks. He's had three years of Spanish in high school, and remembers quite a bit of the language. Of course, having that experience helps, but the challenge is in brushing up, and then using it in a native country. He'll do fine - he's dedicated to excellence, and is very serious about the gospel and his desire to serve. We really enjoyed the visit before the jaunt this morning down to Provo. Managua, Nicaragua, here he comes! These next two years should go by fast.


Ann said...

What a handsome missionary. The people in Nicaragua are very fortunate to have Seth headed their way. I'm glad you got to spend a little time with Seth and family. More good memories to keep you warm on a cool spring/summer???? day.

Judy said...

We want to add our accolades of Seth. It was a privilege to be in church on Sunday and hear him speak. He will do a great job as a missionary.