Thursday, July 15, 2010

Beautiful Presents - Poppies

A few years ago, when we were in Washington, we visited Andrea's garden, and she had a big patch of these incredible, fluffy poppies. I begged for some pods so that I could plant then in Preston. The seeds were sprinkled in two beds, fairly far apart from each other, and some flowers began to come. However, this plant came up in a bed far from the other beds - perhaps a bird present? The plant is stunning! Seeing a gorgeous flower like this brightens anyone's day. Picture a miniature rose, and you would be correct about this little rose bush. It doesn't know it's tinier than the other roses, but continues to present us with perfect buds and blossoms all summer long. I'm so glad that people take their time to produce plants like this one for our little gardens and the beauty that enhances the summer months.


Judy said...

Don't you love the freebies? Once a poppy, you have poppies forever! Or was that sweet woodruff?

Elizabeth said...

Maybe both, plus violas, bachelor buttons, and even an occasional columbine in a new form.