Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Gardens, Gage Style

Ron's pride and joy - at least, now that they've begun blooming. The garden is slow, because it was planted so late, but the architectural qualities of the trellis for the pole beans and the cucumbers and melons add to the beauty of the garden. Carrots and beets are doing fine, thank you. Another view - this year, I left places to do some August plantings of late crops, like lettuce for fall. This kind of gardening is much easier than the much more intense kind that we used to do.
There still is something lovely about being outside early in the day, pulling a few weeds, or hoeing, or just checking the growth of everything.


Julia said...

Wow! Those tomatoes look very happy! The garden is great! I love the raised boxes, too.

Ann said...

What a happy looking garden. Good work. I think my raised beds will do better next year with more compost, etc. And perhaps no 9" of snow the first part of June.

Judy said...

A work of art! Tomatoes must like upside down. Look at those big green ones.