Saturday, October 30, 2010


After an early frost this fall, we have enjoyed beautiful weather - chilly nights, bright days with blue skies and lots of sunshine until this last week. As I was planting some spring bulbs this past week, I found this iris speciman. Evidently this plant, which I had not cut back, got tricked by the warm October days into thinking that it was spring again! The strange shape of the stem gives it away - the poor plant is mixed up. But there is a blossom at the end, and that is all we need to appreciate the plant's perserverance. Of course, the other plant we appreciate in the fall is the burning bush. As it slowly turns a bright red in the fall, it lights up our home's landscape. Mother Nature gives us many gifts at this time of the year.

1 comment:

Judy said...

That's the spirit.....