Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Quilt Show

Ann, This quilt was done all in rectangles with blanket-stitched hearts - this lady was using up her quilt pieces and scraps. I especially liked this Grandmother's Garden quilt. The woman who made this quilt had never made a quilt before. It took her five years to completely hand-piece the quilt. It was quilted by a long-arm quilter - so appropriate. I liked the embroidery in this quilt - This Dresden Plate with folded rays was a favorite of mine. I've made a smaller version of this quilt, and it's difficult to make everything work just right.
This last week, the quilt show has been all-time consuming. From the checking in of the quilts on Tuesday evening to the take-down late Saturday afternoon, many members of my local quilt guild, the Preston Piecers, have been extremely busy. We had 74 quilts come in, and managed to show 69 - really too many for the library community room, but we made it work. About 230 people came to visit the show, including sister Louise and niece Cheryl. (That was special). Some men came on purpose to see the show, and some came to accompany their wives.) Now, it's back to business. More pictures later.


Julia said...

Those are beautiful quilts. I really like the heart one on top. What quilts did you show?

Ann said...

What beautiful quilts. The amount of work that is put into a quilt always amazes me. It will be fun to see other photos.

Judy said...

Keep the pictures coming. Am I right that the hearts on rectangles is wool? No wonder you get so innvolved in your quilt guild, madam pres.