Friday, June 24, 2011

More Flowers from the Spring Garden

Help! I'm having a senior moment and can't remember the name of this wonderful flower that is so generous in that it marches all around the bed it was originally planted in. The background is coral bells - certainly not white, as the nursery rhyme says. Columbine still beautiful, and the red peonies still showing us glories. The little gardens are full of past glories, promises for the rest of the summer, and


Elizabeth said...

Pitiful - I have to add my own comment. Actually, Judy spent some time with me on the phone with the gardening book. The flower in the top picture is geum. Now all of us know.

Judy said...

Or to spell it so you can pronounce it properly: JEE-UMM. It is a fun plant.

Judy said...

By the way, the China blue flowers in the title box are.............?

Elizabeth said...

Blue flax - a perennial that comes up year after year! Keeps the red fire hydrant company. Blooms for at least a couple of months and then the ferny green just waves in the breeze.