Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Pot of Gold

After days of rainy, cold weather, at last on Monday evening, the sun came out for a few minutes, and managed to paint a partial rainbow in the sky. I guess that means we don't have to build the ark after all. What a spring. At least there is a promise of some better weather. Who would think that the orchard would still be in bloom the last of May, or that the lilacs and iris haven't bloomed yet. Isn't there a song that says, "Spring will be a little late this year"?


Ann said...

And hopefully spring will be worth waiting for. Today it was up to the mid 70's here, so I am afraid we are going from cold to hot with no in between. Guess I won't complain after talking with John in San Antonio and hearing about their drought situation. The rainbow gives us all hope.

Judy said...

How late is late?

Elizabeth said...

Frost this Friday morning - that's how late late is.

Judy said...


Elizabeth said...

Eureka - it's Saturday and it was 39 degrees this morning. It's global warming, for sure.