Friday, August 5, 2011

Not the Old Oaken Bucket

Ron must be part Scotch, although he has only found hints of forbearers from that country. For years, we used two green watering buckets to water plants in pots and carry water to the bird baths. Last year, this one parted company, the handle being no longer a part of the bucket. Bottom of bucket - good; handle - kaput. This morning, Ron took time to repair the handle. Some epoxy glue, some wire with a knowledgeable twist, and a ring for holding things together completed the fix. Now the bucket is as good as new. Isn't it amazing that things that need to be fixed in our lives may require just such a fix? Rather than setting things aside forever, a little concentration on the best way to proceed, rounding up the right tools, studying how to get the best result, and applying a little muscle and ingenuity. It is easier to shunt these problems aside and attempt to ignore them, but faced squarely, the job is often quickly done.


Judy said...

I love the bucket fix and have great respect for the one who did the fixing!

Judy said...

P.S. This is how you get through style.

Dwight said...

I'll just bring my stuff to Ron and have him fix it. Great morning glory or whatever in your header.

Ann said...

Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without. Do without isn't a good choice - neat trick. Must not throw out something with potential.