Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Visitors from Sequim

Brig, Linda, Heather, Chris, and Trevor came to see us just before we left for the Pacific Northwest and more family. We had not seen these family members all together for more than a few years! It was good to have all under one roof, and to have a time for visiting, even if it was short. They left from here to go fishing at Red Lodge - we'll hear the rest of the story sooner or later. The nice thing about family is that no matter what the distance in time or miles, there is always a good feeling when we get together. ```


Judy said...

Good catch up on Brig and his family! I hope they caught some fish.

Ann said...

It was such a treat to get to see them for a few minutes. What nice people you have that come to visit you.

Elizabeth said...

Including you and Paul!

Ann said...

Oh, dear, that did sound a little me'ish. I was thinking of the other visitors, but thank you for including us.