Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fall is Really Here

There are still some apples way high up on the big apple tree at the corner of our property and the orchard next door. Ron picked a bucket full of these little apples - they are very good to eat. We figure that apples hanging over on our property are fair game - and no one ever climbs up way high to pick those up high. They will eventually fall, making food for the deer and the birds in the wintertime. We hate to see the weather change, after such a beautiful October, but in this country, it's inevitable. We've been very busy harvesting and cleaning out the gardens, and buttoning up everything that is outdoors, ready for what is inevitable - winter. In the meantime, there is still plenty of beauty around us, and we appreciate that.

1 comment:

Judy said...

I feel a little nostalgic after reading your post. We were so cold today. Anyway, nice job, Elizabeth.