Saturday, November 19, 2011

Zinnia Applique Block - for Grandmother's Garden Quilt

I am nearing the end - this quilt requires 18 flower blocks. I wasn't quite content with this zinnia block, so am making one in a different color. At last I've conquered ruching - not so evident in this block. I had quite a struggle with this one. I've decided that one must try something new several times before the "Aha" moment comes and it becomes easier to do. It has been most relaxing to make these blocks. The applique and embellishments are fun to do. I usually do handwork in the evening while we have the TV on. (After all, TV today doesn't have a whole lot to offer in all the hundreds of channels that we receive.)


Judy said...

I thought my brain was tricking me, so I checked older posts and you did change color on the basket! Now I know why you succeed and I do not. I want to do it one time and it had better turn out right. Which is seldom the case which is why I quit and you move ahead with a wonderful something finished! Good job.

Ann said...

Love the effect on the Zinnia. What a fun project.