Saturday, November 19, 2011

Let it Snow!

We had quite a snow storm yesterday. The feathery white flakes came down steadily most of the day until it changed to a fine powdery snow last night. The snow plows came out, as did everyone with their snow blowers and shovels. The neighbor kids were delighted - they loved to knock the snow off of our sundial - it had reached over a foot. Today, the sun is shining, although the temperature only got up to 33 for a few brief hours. We are shivering, remembering the beautiful, warm fall we enjoyed. There are still some carrots and beets resting under the cover of snow in the garden. I didn't get the roses mulched enough, but they are covered in snow, and, if past years are any portend, they will remain so for quite some time. Thank heaven for a warm house, food to eat, and clothes to keep us warm. We are mindful at this Thanksgiving season of the year that there are many in this world who, through circumstances not of their doing, do not have those blessings.


Julia said...

What a beautiful picture! So peaceful!

Ann said...

This looks like a perfect Christmas card photo. Am glad you are safe and warm.

Judy said...
