Thursday, July 9, 2009

Report on the Square Foot Garden(s)

Things are really growing - but the nights have been so cool (46 degrees this a.m.), that only the Siberian tomato is setting fruit. However, the lettuce has been cut once, and has grown again, the radishes are about done, the chard is ready, as are the beets. No blooms on the zucchini, cucumbers, eggplant, or other squash yet, but the melons are blooming big time, and the beans are finally starting to climb the strings. Things will grow this month! We were told that we had a record 4.41 inches of rainfall in June. Unheard of in this desert climate. (Of course, one of our neighbors, he of the long-rows and mighty vegetables, has sneered rather slightingly at this garden, but I love the non-work involved.)


Ann said...

How fun. The work to put together the boxes and get things started will pay off in just the right amount of fresh stuff - And besides - it looks so neat and tidy.

Julia said...

Your square foot gardens are wonderful! I love the updates.

Judy said...

Very organized and easy to keep tabs on what is growing and what is not. But what did you do with your hoe?