Saturday, September 12, 2009

Books to Read

Some good books I've read lately: "The Guernsey LIterary and Potato Peel Pie Society" by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows; "The Persian Pickle Club" by Sandra Dallas, and "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch. No reviews here, just good reading.


jennywren said...

I'm back!! Thank you. And those books look right up your ally. I'll keep my eyes out for the 1st 2. I have the last one, just haven't got to it yet. And I'll pass them on to Judy Frizzell, she is always looking for book club contrabutions. Also, I wish this had spell check, let me know if it does. I get uptight, that is not one of my gifts. Love you both, Jen

Elizabeth said...

Yes, Jenny, just look at the top of the box where you write your comments, put your cursor over each item, and you'll find the spell check. Good luck!

Louise Blood said...

I just recently finished reading The Guernsey Literary, etc. and i thourouly enjoyed it. And read the Persian Pickle Club some years ago, very enjoyable. I will have to look into the other one. Another book I just recently read was Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. It takes place in Seattle at the beginning of the Second World War at the time the Japanese people are being evacuated. A well written book.