Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Snow on the first day of Autumn - in Wyoming, of Course!

We started out for home from Franklin, Nebraska, with the smell of rain that fell in the night, and stormy skies. The roads run straight north between huge fields of corn ripe and ready for harvesting.
The wind blew at us all the way across Nebraska, and the windmills that dot the landscape in southern Wyoming along Interstate 80 were very busy. They look like the monoliths from Jules Verne's "War of the Worlds".
We got some drenching rain and some spitting snow in western Nebraska, but by the time we got into the mountains between Cheyenne and Laramie, things were really working at a winter storm. The bust of Lincoln that has stood by the old Lincoln highway (now a rest stop, and a little above the new freeway) looked almost mysterious in the blowing snow. (I had the son of the sculptor in my Laramie Prep art classes the year that I taught art for my assistanceship. Now, ask me his name. It began with an R.)
As you can see, the storm was not too pleasant. Blowing snow at this time of the year seems a little precipitious! We were glad to see the end of the pass, although we weren't quite through with the snow. The roofs of the houses in east Laramie were coated with snow - Sorry we couldn't see Seth on his birthday, but we didn't know how to find him, and hopefully, he was in class or at work.
As we looked back on Laramie and the mountains behind, we could see the effects of the storm behind us.
This sign at the rest stop west of Laramie deserves an enlargement so that you can read all about it. Titled "Wyoming Winds", the whole thing tells a story!
We were glad to get this far - and things did keep fairly calm with only a smattering of sleet now and then.
The farther west we got, the better the weather became. We were glad to blow into Rock Springs, stay the night, and then on to Preston this morning. Yippee! Glad to be back home.

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