Thursday, September 3, 2009

Flowers of Late Summer

Sedum Autumn Joy is beginning to put on it's pink tint, as the flowers begin to open up. The honeybees are very busy on these plants.
And, it's the last of the gladioli (is that plural for gladiolus?) Some of the flowers are putting on a last push, as the nights get cooler and cooler. Turning the calendar for September was a big shock. Who would think that time could fly so fast? Next, we'll be hauling the big geranium pots into the garage to winter over in the south window. Some of them are becoming large specimens.

1 comment:

jennywren said...

Thanks for the beauty, I'm going to be keeping my eye on that Sedum Autumn Joy. I can't wait to see it in full bloom. (I see my new screen saver as it's beeing born)