Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Deluge

On the same day (and night) that we got such a pounding rain, Smithfield got so much that a manhole colver on main street erupted into a geyser - people's homes were flooded in the basements - one basement full almost to the ceiling. We are grateful that that deluge was a bit lessened when it got to Preston. Phew! Aha! But the radishes and three kinds of lettuce are up and looking very well. Gives me hope for the rest of the garden.


Ann said...

And we got nothing! Am glad your house wasn't in Smithfield. I hope the sun is shining in Preston this morning.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Love your pix! We're getting it from the southeast - we've had 3 days of very hot - for this area weather - it's in the lower and upper 80's - which is HOT for here. Anyway - I welcome the rain - but I'm surprised to see the weather system coming from the southeast as we usually get it from the ocean west of us.
God bless you and your lettuce.

Elizabeth said...

It's (the lettuce) growing - and anything that grows this year must be a triumph. The weather has been unusual this year, for sure - but then, when is it normal?